Marcus Berliant

Marcus Berliant

Professor of Economics
PhD, UC Berkeley
research interests:
  • Public Finance
  • Mathematical Economics
  • Urban Economics

contact info:

mailing address:

  • Department of Economics
    MSC 1208‐228‐308
    Washington University in St. Louis
    One Brookings Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

Professor Berliant's teaching and research fields include Economic Theory / Mathematical Economics, Public Economics / Public Finance, Urban Economics / Location Theory, Microeconomics, Positive Political Theory, and Econometrics.

Berliant served on the faculty of the University of Rochester prior to his arrival at Washington University in 1994. He has supervised 39 PhD dissertations, placing students at institutions such as Stanford University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Illinois. He has also served as a staff member for Congress. He was elected a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International in 2005. Current research and teaching interests include public finance, economic theory, and urban economics. Topics currently under study are the politics of income taxation, the microstructure of knowledge creation, and the location and growth of cities. Publications include "Income Taxes and the Provision of Public Goods: Existence of an Optimum" (with Frank Page), Econometrica, "Regional Science: The State of the Art" (with T. ten Raa), Regional Science and Urban Economics, "A Foundation of Location Theory: Existence of Equilibrium, the Welfare Theorems and Core" (with K. Dunz), Journal of Mathematical Economics, and "State and Federal Tax Equity: Estimates Before and After the Tax Reform Act of 1986" (with R. Strauss), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Professor Berliant received two Outstanding Faculty Mentor awards for his work with graduate students and the 2003 Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award.

Selected Publications


Appendix to "Knowledge Diversity and Economic Growth"

Appendix to "Knowledge Creation as a Square Dance on the Hilbert Cube"

Appendix to "Labor Differentiation and Agglomeration in General Equilibrium"