Remember...That Time Before the Last Time (World Premiere)

Remember...That Time Before the Last Time (World Premiere)

This production premiered on December 11, 2020 and was available on-demand thru January 3, 2021.

Conceived and Directed by Ron Himes 
Choreographed by Heather Beal
Developed by The Company 

Remember...That Time Before the Last Time is an exploration of the effects of race, social injustice and the traumatic impact of slavery on the creative impulses of a people/artists through spoken word, music and dance from the diaspora. Our lens focuses on survival from 1619 to 2020.

This production was offered as an on-demand virtual event.  

This year because of increased production costs for video equipment and streaming, we offered our patrons the opportunity to give a donation through our “pay what you can” ticket system.

“Pay What You Can”

Suggested Donation: $10

FREE Viewing/WashU Student Viewing