Astrophysics Seminar with Jonathan Katz on Fast Radio Bursts

Astrophysics Seminar with Jonathan Katz on Fast Radio Bursts

Jonathan Katz (Hosted by Errando) from Washington University in St. Louis will be presenting the seminar "The Sources of Fast Radio Bursts"

The sources of Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) have been a mystery since their discovery in 2007.  They are divided into two apparently disjoint classes: repeaters, observed to repeat roughly once per minute, and non-repeaters.  Recent sensitive observations of more than 1500 bursts from each of two repeaters have failed to find evidence for the periodicity expected if their origins are neutron stars. I therefore suggest that their origins are accretion discs around intermediate mass black holes.  The rate of apparently non-repeating radio bursts exceeds that of all known catastrophic astronomical events, implying that these FRB, too, repeat, but rarely; the observed bursts are true outliers.  Soft Gamma Repeaters also show true outliers; a similar phenomenon may be the source of apparently non-repeating FRB.

Sponsored by the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences.