Curriculum Committee

This Committee is responsible for reviewing the entire undergraduate curriculum of the College and may recommend to any unit of the College the addition, deletion, or modification of courses and academic programs. The committee consists of six elected faculty, two from each of the three divisions. Members are elected for three-year terms through the annual ballot process.


  • This committee is composed of six members, two from each of the three divisions.

  • No two faculty members from the same department should serve as concurrent members.

  • The Committee is supported by staff from the A&S College Office and the A&S Registrar Office.


  • Any member of the Faculty at any rank from any track


  • Three years (staggered elections when possible)

Appointment process:

  • Faculty election process


  • The Committee receives for recommendation to the Faculty all proposals by Departments or Area Studies Committees for new undergraduate courses and academic programs, and proposals for changes in existing programs such as requirements for major fields of study.  In case the Committee does not approve, the proposing body may bring the new proposal directly to the Faculty for action.  At the pleasure of the Graduate Council, the Committee also brings before the Faculty proposals for new graduate courses.

  • The Committee may recommend to the Faculty, through the Faculty Council, and to the Council of Students of Arts & Sciences changes in the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree and changes in the grading system.

  • The Committee may initiate proposals and recommendations to appropriate Faculty bodies and administrators for new curricula that it deems desirable.

  • The Committee makes recommendations to the Vice Dean of the College, the Faculty Council, and the Faculty for improvement of the quality of undergraduate teaching.

  • The Committee advises the Vice Dean of Undergraduate Affairs on procedures in the College Office.

  • The Committee considers such other matter as are directed to it by the Faculty Council, the Dean of Arts & Sciences, or the Vice Dean of Undergraduate Affairs.

  • The Chair of the Committee regularly reports to the Faculty.