John Nachbar

John Nachbar

Professor of Economics
Director of Undergraduate Studies in Economics
Member of the Master Program Management Committee
PhD, Harvard University
research interests:
  • Economic Theory

contact info:

office hours:

  • Email me for an appointment.

mailing address:

  • Department of Economics
    MSC 1208‐228‐308
    Washington University in St. Louis
    One Brookings Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

Professor Nachbar is a microeconomic theorist with research interests in game theory and general equilibrium theory.

Nachbar came to Washington University in 1990, following two years at RAND. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory.

    Selected Publications

    "Beliefs in Repeated Games,"  Econometrica, 2005, volume 73, pp. 459-480.

    "General Equilibrium Comparative Statics."  Econometrica,  2002, volume 70, pp. 2065-2074.

    "Prediction, Optimization, and Learning in Repeated Games."  Econometrica, 1997, volume 65, pp 275-309.

    "'Evolutionary' Selection Dynamics in Games: Convergence and Limit Properties." International Journal of Game Theory, 1990, volume 19, pp 59-89.


    2011-present. Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory

    2009-present.  Fellow of the Econometric Society

    2007-2008. Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award